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Category Archives: Parenting

Treasuring baby memories

Treasuring baby memories

I have just written a piece for website Nourish Baby on starting as you mean to go on, for new mums. The piece will come out in the next few months and I will share it with you, but it has got me all nostalgic about the minute I found out I was pregnant with… Continue Reading

Motivational Monday quotes: Inner Voice

Motivational Monday quotes: Inner Voice

This is the start of Monday Morning quotes from famous or not so famous people on parenting and children… follow them on Today, this quote resonates with me because I often hear my voice coming out in my daughter – the tone and phrases sometimes sound harsh. If the way I speak to my… Continue Reading

The rise and rise of childhood obesity

The rise and rise of childhood obesity

Being a parent, you have probably read about the dangers of childhood obesity many times. Well, here is another article but from a slightly different angle. It examines the changes in our culture from the 1970s to now and how it has changed the weight of our children. Childhood obesity is the most common childhood disorder… Continue Reading

Is 4 too young to start school?

Is 4 too young to start school?

This time last year, I started agonizing over whether my daughter was ready for school. Her birthday is in June and in the state we live in, the cut off for sending children to school the following January is July 31st. Most of her preschool class was going to school the following year. She would… Continue Reading

Filling the cup of love

Filling the cup of love

As mothers, we are constantly given advice about raising our offspring – especially when our children are young. There are two pieces of advice that resonated with me in those exhausting years of tiny children and I have carried them with me. 1. Some days are dogs; some days are diamonds. Run with the dog… Continue Reading

Unpacking the school report card

Unpacking the school report card

It is the June holidays and end of Term 2 – it’s likely you have received your child’s mid year school report. Times have changed since we were at school in the 1980’s when a C on a school report was average and if you got a D, you didn’t get fed dinner or were… Continue Reading