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Category Archives: Parenting

Story of a 19 year old

Story of a 19 year old

In my post, Where the wild things are I wrote about the worrying fact that teenagers between the age of 15 and 19 are Australia’s most violent people, with boys making up 90 per cent of this figure. I questioned if we were doing the best we could to bring up our boys and how our culture could better… Continue Reading

Pick up wars

Pick up wars

School pick up that is. I have just watched Channel 9’s new show, Love Comes To Town but not that sort of pick up. I mean good, old after school pick up. You know, like collecting your children at the end of the school day. My husband picked the kids up from school the other… Continue Reading

Where the wild things are

Where the wild things are

Teenagers between the ages of 15 and 19 are the most violent people in Australia. Age 17 is the worst for acts of bashings, robberies and abductions. And 90 per cent of these crimes are committed by boys. It is believed, the three major contributors to teenage violence are increased prevalence of violent electronic games,… Continue Reading

7 Easy Ways to Get Your Child Reading

7 Easy Ways to Get Your Child Reading

Reading is a fundamental building block for children of all ages. Most children will know how to read by about Year 1 or age 7 and will then soar. When I was a teacher, it was fascinating watching a child have that breakthrough moment with reading. Sometimes children will struggle and struggle and then just like… Continue Reading

Are we in the prime of our life?

Are we in the prime of our life?

I had the great honour tonight of going out for dinner with two men who are old enough to be my father. Both have had highly successful careers and are accomplished Australian’s who have been in the spotlight over the years. One has played a major role in bridging the gap of equality for the… Continue Reading

Bonding over crawly, little black things

Bonding over crawly, little black things

The park next to preschool was abuzz with news this afternoon of nits. Chicken pox is also going around but the little, black jumping parasites caused much more of a stir. The Mum’s were beside themselves with worry that their child had nits. Ok I freak out too when my child has nits and I… Continue Reading