Motivational Monday quotes – How to really love a child

How to really love a child.

A lot of these things are pretty obvious here in this quote but sometimes I need a reminder that children are just that – little children. The whole idea should be to have fun with them.

My premise at the moment is to say YES as often as I can. Last week, every time the kids asked me something, I said yes (within reason) and it was fun! I did so much more with the kids because I said yes. They were things like, Mum, can we have an ice cream after school today or can we put the hose down the slide, or can we pull out all the puzzles right after we had cleaned up, or will you play Uno or come in the pool with us.

This is a good reminder to have fun, especially if its ‘one of those weeks’.

do this with children

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About Anna Partridge

me and maddieAnna Partridge is a passionate educator, mother of three young children and founder of parenting and education blog, BombardedMum. She also runs parenting workshops about ‘Raising Confident and Resilient Kids’ and works with mums find their ‘big picture’ of parenting and fall in love with being a mum again. Through her blog, she is building a community of like-minded mothers who share the inspiration and challenges of raising the next generation.

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