You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow they’ll be a little older than they were today. This day is a gift. Just breathe, notice, study their faces and little feet. Pay attention. Relish the charms of the present. Enjoy today, it will be over before you know it.
Even when typing this quote, I become a little teary. I know that my kids will only be this little once and once only. They have grown up so quickly already. When I had three kids under four years, the days were so, so long, but that time has evaporated. The years are short. It is a good reminder that our kids are ours for such a short time and really they are given to us as a gift. I look into the faces of my kids every day. I make them look at me every day and we exchange a meeting in that moment. It is like meeting them the day they were born, but when they were born I knew they were a gift. At times now, I do forget that they will grow and life will change. This is a reminder for the week that our children are little only once.
If you could change just one thing today to be the mum you have always imagined you would be, what would it be?
Enjoy the week. x
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About Anna Partridge
Anna Partridge is a passionate educator, mother of three young children and founder of parenting and education blog, BombardedMum. She runs parenting workshops about ‘Raising Confident and Resilient Kids’ and works with mums to bring back their Mummy Mojo by finding their ‘big picture’ of parenting. Through her blog, she is building a community of like-minded mothers who share the inspiration and challenges of raising the next generation. To work with Anna, contact her here.

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