Wow! I am excited to win the Liebster Award this week. Thanks for the nomination Hayley at House of Many Minions.
I have to confess that I didn’t really know what it was but is sounded fun! So of course I googled doctored it and this is what it is….
It is like a virtual hug or a special acknowledgment of your blog and the message you are sharing from other bloggers. AND a way of sharing other bloggers and websites who are doing great things. Its kind of like a chain letter for bloggers and a way to pay it forward to others who are doing well in the world of writing and blogging. The definition of liebster in German is actually adj. favourite, preferred above others, liked or loved… ah, how lovely!
So, here are the rules of the nomination (kind of like chinese whispers they have changed a bit but these were the ones given to me);
1. Acknowledge the blog that nominated you and display the Liebster Award on your blog (tick)
2. Answer 11 questions that the blogger gives you (tick)
3. Give 11 random facts about yourself (tick)
4. Nominate 11 blogs that you think are deserving of the award, that have less than 200 followers (There are quite a lot of rules floating around the google eather and as one who doesn’t like to follow rules, I have taken this one with some liberty and just chosen the ones you will be most interested in!) (tick)
5. Let those bloggers know you’ve nominated them (tick)
6. Give them 11 questions to answer. (tick).
Because I know you all LOVE parenting and education sites, I have chosen to share 11 blogs with you that share a similar message and have resonated with me as a blogger and a mum. Each of the people I have chosen to share are both blogger and mums and I have asked them questions accordingly. You also get to know a little bit more about me and find new blogs to follows – let’s get this rolling.
1. Here is my award! Woo hoo!
2. Here is my Q&A with Hayley from House of Many Minions
1. What pushed you over the edge to take your blog from an idea to a reality?
I am a writer and I would wake up with a complete article in my head. I would jump on the computer and type them out in about 20 minutes so when I discovered the world of blogging – it worked for me. I could write, share and connect with other mums. I have learnt a whole lot since I launched my blog in April 2014 and made so many connections with people in the world of parenting both here and in US and UK. I have been able to launch a Parent Education business and connect to some of the experts in the field, all while continuing to be a mum.
2. Which bloggers inspire you? Why?
I like BabyMac. Beth is a mum to two (almost three) kids and she really inspired me to launch into the world of blogging. I went to a blogging event in Sydney in May last year, met Beth and heard her speak. She was a real mum doing cool stuff online and I gave it a go. I still read her blog today and it is a real account of being a mum with the highs, lows and everything in between. I am also inspired by the 11 blogs I have nominated here – they inspire me to be a better mum, better person or a better blogger!
3. Vegemite, promite or marmite?
Definitely vegemite! Promite and marmite are like axel grease.
4. Tell us about one of your most cherished memories.
Meeting my three little babies when I gave birth has to be my most cherished memory. Seeing their little faces and hearing their first sounds was a moment in life I will never forget.
5. Your favourite blogging tip
When writing your article, pretend you are writing for just one person – choose a person that represents your target market and write with them in mind. Sometimes I choose my friends, other times I create an image of the perfect mum who might be reading my blog and think of their challenge or issue. And of course, you must write your blogs from your heart with authenticity and self.
6. The best life lesson you learnt from high school?
I went to boarding school and an all girls school for high school. The biggest lesson I learnt was that girls can do anything! It was a subconscious message that no matter what we wanted to do as a woman, we could do and nothing should get in our way. It has stuck with me and I rarely been stuck because I am a woman. There are some girls from our class doing some exceptional things in this world and I only hope I can impart the same message to my own girls and the girls I teach. Here is a photo of my high school class in Year 10.
7. Summer or winter?
Definitely summer! There is nothing better than going to the beach or pool and feeling hot. You can always cool down.
8. What do you love most about yourself?
Hard question! As a mum, do we even remember to love ourselves?? I tell my kids every day what I love about them and get them to tell me what they love about themselves but never about me. I will have to take a rain check on this one and get back to you…
9. If you could meet one person, famous or average Susie walking down the street, who would you meet?
I would meet my husband – corny I know, but he is person I love meeting the most.
10. Spare time? Where can we find you if you get it?
Writing my blog or writing my book on building resilience in children – or maybe on social media!
11. Lastly, if you had 48 hours completely to yourself, how would you spend them?
The thought of being totally alone for 48 hours scares me! I need company, noise, people around me and hate to be alone for too long. But if I did, I would be in some tropical location near a pool and write. I would write, then sleep, swim and write some more. Now you have me thinking!!
3. Here are 11 random facts about me
– I was born in Goulburn NSW.
– I have lived in 3 countries and visited 22 more.
– In the past 9 years, I have moved house 8 times.
– I grew up on a farm in country NSW and spent most of my time riding on the back of a ute. Here is photo of the ute I spent my childhood on.
– I gave birth to three children in 4 years and 3 months.
– I have three university degrees – Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Communications and a degree in International Health and Development.
– I have met Hillary Clinton.
– Before I leave the house every morning, I have to make all the beds, unpack the dishwasher and put on a load of washing… that is just the deal.
– I hate gardening.
– I feel like I am two timing my career at the moment – I spend 3 days working as the PR Manager for a non-profit organisation working with people who are homeless, drug addicted and mentally ill and the rest of my time as a Parent Educator. Two totally different careers and lives during the week but one gives me inspiration for the other.
– I do yoga every morning before the kids wake up.
4. Here are 11 blogs that are deserving of this award and I love reading.
In true spirit of always being the one to break the rules, I have added 11 bloggers here that you will be most interested to read – rather than just the newbies. These people are both mums and bloggers and have an inspirational message to share. Everyone wins!
Kids in Harmony – Kerry Spina (Parent Educator)
Teacher Types – Lauren Hunt (Teacher and Mummy Blogger)
Six little hearts – Jody Scott-Greer (Mummy Blogger with 6 kids!)
Adventure Baby – Christine Knight (Travel and Mummy Blogger)
Simplify. Create. Inspire – Holly Creativity (All things pretty Blogger)
Positive Parenting Connection – Ariadne Brill (Parent Educator – has many more followers but is also a mum and awesome parenting blogger)
Yoga Mamata – Leonie Percy (Yoga Teacher and Author of Mother Om)
Baby Mac – Beth McDonald (Mummy Blogger and realist – has many more followers but is also a mum and marvellous mummy blogger)
Alexx Stuart (‘Real Food’ blogger – also has many more followers but is a mum and wonderful food blogger + friend with my friend Claudia McIntosh Bowman)
The Farmer’s Wife – Jess Persee (Wife Blogger)
Mothers Joint – Zahra (Business for Mothers)
5 & 6. Here are the 11 questions I asked each of the blogs above – related to blogging and of course my favourite subject, parenting! Click on the links above to see who they all are and what they are doing in the world.
– What is your blog/business & where can we find you?
– What inspired you to blog in the first place?
– What do you love about blogging?
– How do you fit blogging into your day/week?
Being a mum
I know you are a mum and my readers are also mums so let’s talk about being an awesome mum!
– How many kids do you have and what are their ages?
– What is your proudest moment as a mum (you can add a few)?
– What are your biggest challenges as a parent?
– What is your favourite kid free time activity and how often do you get to do it?
– Who is your inspiration to be such an awesome mum?
– What is the best advice you have ever received as a mum?
– What advice would you give to a first time mum?
#bonus question
Combining being a mum and a blogger
– If a mum is reading this and has a burning desire to start a blog, what advice would you give her?
I’m looking forward to reading your posts!
Thanks for being part of the Liebster awards! Hopefully you have enjoyed learning a little more about me and have some new amazing people and blogs to follow and read. If you are a blogger, pass it on!
Find BombardedMum here… Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
About the Author: Anna Partridge
Anna Partridge is a Parent Educator, school teacher, holds a Bachelor of Communications and is a freelance parenting writer. Anna is also mum to three beautiful, highly spirited children aged 9, 8 and 5. She created to share the inspirations and joys of raising the next generation and to allow mums to think about the ‘big picture’ of parenting by providing tips and advice to instil the right habits, values and beliefs in their children from the start. She is privileged to work alongside families to create calm and balance, help raise confident and resilient kids and support strong and connected relationships. Anna offers private parenting and family coaching at

Thanks so much for the nomination Anna! I’ve been lucky enough to have been nominated already – but I’ll definitely still write a blog post and answer your great questions 🙂
Great @Lauren – its a testament to your great blog! I look forward to reading your answers.
Oh thank you!
Oh pleasure @BabyMacBeth
Congratulations on the award … Love reading your posts… Your deserve it
Thank you!! It was fun to write.
I just realised how much we have in common! Loved reading / finding out more about you 🙂 and congrats on the award – you are def one of my ‘liebsters’ 😉
Ah thanks for the lovely message Joy @themamaminute
Wow! I never knew you had been to 22 countries – they each must have been an incredible experience.
I’ve always wondered what it would have been like to attend an all girls school, or a boarding school, & I’m thinking it must have been pretty incredible to come away with the message that women CAN do anything.
For the record, I’m a vegemite person too 😉
Thanks Anna.
Thanks again for nominating BombardedMum @houseofmanyminions – it was fun to do and great to pass onto other deserving bloggers.