MotivationalMonday quote: She loved life

she loved life and it loved her right back

So totally true. I see so many mums that thrive when they fall back in love with life again. Right now, I am seeing a friend who is being crushed by a relationship break up. She has lost her confidence, self esteem and herself. I gave her this today and it is a long road to recovery and realisation but once she starts to love life and love herself again – life will love her right back. Sending a big of love and life out to anyone who needs it today.


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About Anna Partridge, Founder of BombardedMum

test 3Anna Partridge is a parent educator, school teacher, mother of three young children and founder of parenting and education blog, BombardedMum She walks alongside mums with children aged 0 to 12 years to tackle the often treacherous gauntlet of motherhood! She inspires mums to be the most awesome mum they can be and gives them empowerment, inspiration and confidence to be a great mum and great woman. Anna runs parenting workshops about ‘Raising Confident and Resilient Kids’ and other parenting related topics. Through her work, Anna is building a community of mothers who are sharing the inspiration and challenges of raising the next generation. To find out more, visit


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